Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Wow! Where do I begin. I know it's been a while, but God has just been doing such a great work in my life I just haven't had the time. The last time I wrote I spoke about my new challenge as being a Sunday school teacher.Well I have to tell you things are going pretty good. I love teaching those baby's every Sunday.

So, are ready to here about the blessings. It started a few weeks ago. Michael and I were doing good with our finances, then disaster strikes. I made an error in the checking account and all of a sudden we were negative about $200.00. I took one look at my computer screen and feel flat on my face crying out to Jesus. I had no idea how we were going to overcome this. I just put all my Faith I God. So once I got my act together I figured out with the money I had just deposited we were only short $170 .00 from paying our bills that week. Which just happened to be my daycare check. So by the grace of God my wonderful parents stepped in and gave us the money. The very next week, I was looking at my account online as I always do and realized the bank had made a huge mistake. I had made a deposit the day before of $ 800.00 and had cashed to checks for people for $500.00. So I got $500.00 back. So according to my account I had made a deposit of $1300.00. I called to bank and he said there was nothing he could do on his end, just to wait.

Disaster struck again. I picked up Aden from daycare to find out his testicles were swollen. I took him to the doctor the next day and he immediately sent me to a surgeon. He told he he had a hernia and it needed to be taken care of right away. Now Michael and I have no insurance. On the way to the surgeon I gave it all to God, the burden was just to great. Dr. Bolac said it was not a hernia, but fluid fro his abdominal cavity. He would need surgery the next day. At this point I had completely drained all of my funds, not including the extra $500.00 in my account. How tempting it was to spend it. I had to come up with $489.00 by the next day. The devil would have loved for me to take something that wasn't mine, but I knew in my heart what was right. I sat at home praying for guidance. The only answer was to call my dad, oh how I didn't want to make that phone call. But I did and as always he came through for me. My parents are a true blessing from God. Then right in the mist of my despair I get a heart wrenching phone call. I had been praying that God would provide with some new clothes. Precious Susanne calls she had cleaned out her closet and was getting ride of a bunch of clothes. Wow, is God good. She had no idea the pain I was feeling at the time. Susanne, thank you for being such a great servant for God. You and Chris have truly been a blessing to my family.

God has been so good to us even when the burden grew to much to bear.


Priscilla said...

Remain faithful through all temptation and you will inherit the Kingdom of God.

Susanne said...

Wow!! I cannot even begin to explain what a precious blessing YOU ARE to ME!!! This was a wonderful post!! God is doing MIGHTY things in and through you my Sweet Sistah!!

Anonymous said...

Just keep focused on Jesus! HE always shows up at exactly the right time. HIS timing is always perfect! You know it's in the valleys you grow, so welcome the times that you are in the valley because that is when you know God is growing you!

cookin4God said...

AMEN!! God is in control. God is faithful. He knows what we need before we even ask him. Praising God for the faith he gives to those who believe in Him. In a song that my child is learning for TeamKid, F.A.I.T.H. stands for, 'For All I Trust Him, For All I Trust Him, For all I need, the Bible will provide....'