Monday, November 26, 2007


Ok, so I'm siting at work reading a Sci-Fi magazine "Starlog". I htis issue they have articles about all the new TV shows out this year. One particular show caught my eye. I was shocked. I couldn't believe what I was reading. A TV show about the devil. Here is the first section of the article.

" ...He's unlike any devil that's ever been portrayed- in the sense he's more like your next door neighbor, explains Wise."

" He's kind of nice, easy going fellow, very amiable, a good sense of humor, the sort of guy you feel comfortable with, " he notes. " And I think that's important. The whole idea of a fire and brimstone Devil doesn't appeal to me; it's to obvious. This character can really con you into doing just about anything he wants you to do. What we're shooting for is a Devil who isn't easily defined- one who is all over the board, and free to be and show whatever he chooses to be."

Wow, did they describe the devil to a tee or what. The bad thing is, I'm not sure if they even realize it or not. Satan is all over this show. Oh how he would love for it to become a great hit. Well I hope it's a great big flop. The preacher talks often about how Satan has his hand all over this world and this show is a perfect example.

We ourselves need to never forget that the devil is real. He is the master of deception. I pray for the people involved in this show and also for the people watching it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Wow! Where do I begin. I know it's been a while, but God has just been doing such a great work in my life I just haven't had the time. The last time I wrote I spoke about my new challenge as being a Sunday school teacher.Well I have to tell you things are going pretty good. I love teaching those baby's every Sunday.

So, are ready to here about the blessings. It started a few weeks ago. Michael and I were doing good with our finances, then disaster strikes. I made an error in the checking account and all of a sudden we were negative about $200.00. I took one look at my computer screen and feel flat on my face crying out to Jesus. I had no idea how we were going to overcome this. I just put all my Faith I God. So once I got my act together I figured out with the money I had just deposited we were only short $170 .00 from paying our bills that week. Which just happened to be my daycare check. So by the grace of God my wonderful parents stepped in and gave us the money. The very next week, I was looking at my account online as I always do and realized the bank had made a huge mistake. I had made a deposit the day before of $ 800.00 and had cashed to checks for people for $500.00. So I got $500.00 back. So according to my account I had made a deposit of $1300.00. I called to bank and he said there was nothing he could do on his end, just to wait.

Disaster struck again. I picked up Aden from daycare to find out his testicles were swollen. I took him to the doctor the next day and he immediately sent me to a surgeon. He told he he had a hernia and it needed to be taken care of right away. Now Michael and I have no insurance. On the way to the surgeon I gave it all to God, the burden was just to great. Dr. Bolac said it was not a hernia, but fluid fro his abdominal cavity. He would need surgery the next day. At this point I had completely drained all of my funds, not including the extra $500.00 in my account. How tempting it was to spend it. I had to come up with $489.00 by the next day. The devil would have loved for me to take something that wasn't mine, but I knew in my heart what was right. I sat at home praying for guidance. The only answer was to call my dad, oh how I didn't want to make that phone call. But I did and as always he came through for me. My parents are a true blessing from God. Then right in the mist of my despair I get a heart wrenching phone call. I had been praying that God would provide with some new clothes. Precious Susanne calls she had cleaned out her closet and was getting ride of a bunch of clothes. Wow, is God good. She had no idea the pain I was feeling at the time. Susanne, thank you for being such a great servant for God. You and Chris have truly been a blessing to my family.

God has been so good to us even when the burden grew to much to bear.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A new year

Well I thought I'd start off by telling you how the potty training is going. Not so well. She still want use the potty. I keep telling myself she'll get it, it just takes time. So I keep pushing on.

Anyway, so this Sunday marked a new year for my church. Which means new teachers and new committees. I have been praying for a while for God to show me how I can serve and he answered. A few weeks ago I got asked to serve on a committee, teach the one year old Sunday school class and help teach Children's church one Sunday a month. I was so excited I said yes to all three without giving it much thought. I later started thinking to myself, what I have I gotten myself into? It just happened to be that my Sunday for Children's church is the first Sunday of the month, which meant tackling to new adventures in one day. I was so excited I could hardly stand it!! Children's church was a little crazy, but we made it through. We learned a few things a long the way too. Sunday school went well, though we only had one child. My Son, Aden!!!! I hope next Sunday to have more kids. I can't wait to see how God is going to work through these two ministries.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It's potty time!

So, I went to pick up my kids from daycare Monday and I was told my oldest Katie had moved up to the Older Two's class; which means it's time to potty train. Yikes! At first I was excited, but then I thought about our first potty training experience a few months ago.

Before Katie & Aden starting attending the awesome daycare their in now, they attended another not so great one. When Katie turned two they demanded I start potty training right then. They told me to put her in regular panties and skip pull-ups. Being the young nice mother I am, I went along with it. But, it was a disaster!!! At first Katie loved going to the potty (though she only really used it once or twice), then all of a sudden she started crying every time.I felt like I was torturing my child every time I sat her on the potty. She just wasn't ready. But, the daycare insisted I stick with it. I finally told them no, I was not going not to continue with process at this time.

It wasn't long before we switched daycares. One of the first questions I asked was how they potty trained. They told me it would be when Katie's ready and I say it's OK . Praise the Lord!! A daycare where I'm in charge. So, it's only been a few days, but things are going great. Katie loves her big girl panties (pull-up's) and now she willing sits on the potty when I take her. I pray that this will be a short process. I encourage all mom's out there to not let others tell you what is right for your child like I did, but listen to you gut when you know somethings wrong.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mary Hearts Club

Hey again! I just want to start off by saying saying praise Jesus because he has come through for me once again. Michael has missed a couple of weeks of work lately due to some medical problems, so that has put us a little behind financially. But I have continued to put my faith in Jesus and he has continued to provide!!!

When I joined my wonderful church (South Florence Baptist) a few months ago, I immediately joined a women's group called the Mary's Heart Club. I had no idea what I'd be getting myself into. When I attending my first meeting I was completely blown away. I mean here is a group of women that love Jesus and who are going through some of the same struggles I am. The next couple of meetings I began to share with everyone the things I was going through and they all begin to pray for me. For the first time I learned was it was like to have true godly women friends who really cared. I had never had that before. There is one women in particular who I have been completely blown away by since the very first meeting. Her name is Susanne Reeder. When she talks about Jesus she talks with such passion and love. And I couldn't help but think, wow I want was she has. I went home that night and told Michael all about the group and about Susanne. She made a comment at the last meeting about how she looks up to Beth Moore. How she wants what she has. Well Susanne if your reading this, I want you to know that you already have it girl, you are already a big influence on others. So keep doing what your doing.

That just goes to prove you never know who's watching you , so we all need to live for Jesus every moment of every day. Showing others his amazing love.

I can't say enough about how much this church has changed my life. Between making some great friends( Kim,Dori, Gary) and continuing to learn about Gods love; I can't think of a better place to be.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Hello everyone! I'm writing today to fix a typo I made on my post about Promise Keepers. I was talking about my wonderful church and accidentally typed in the wrong link. Here is the corrected one I encourage anyone who is interested in attending the most loving church in Florence SC to check out this site.

By the way, thank you Chris for pointing out my mistake.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Promise Keepers

Tommorow my husband is leaving for a mens conference called Promise Keepers. The conference is all about teaching men about living a Godly life. My husband has been a couple times before and cann't wait to go again. But you know what that means; I'll be alone with kids kinds all weekend!!! Lord help me!!! I'm really glad he's going, but he will surely be missed.

By the way, the church I attend ( is building a new sancturary and it's really looking beautiful. I cann't wait till it's finished and we're able to start filling it up with new people!!

Anyway, I hope everyone out there has a blessed day.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Praise Jesus

Hey everyone out there! I just wanted to let everyone know how amazing God is. A few months ago my husband and I hit rock bottom. No I'm not talking about our marriage was falling apart. I'm talking we have some major finacial problems we, didn't even have enough money to by groceries.

I had become a stay at home mom about 2 years ago and things were going great. Michael had a great job. We never worried about money. I thought we had it all. Then Micheal decided he didn't like his new boss, so he quiet a went to work doing a job he loved, but making half the money. By this time I had a 1 year old and a 2 month old. I was emotionally wrecked. Not to mention tired!!! Thank God for my parents, because they gave us money to by groceries.

I have always been in church and Michael and I had become very unhappy at the church we were attending, so we decided to visit South Florence Baptist Church. Best decision we have ever made. Not long after that I went back to work for my dad. That's when things really started to happen.

We had revival back in March and the preacher kept asking," Do you know that you know that you know?" And for the first time in my life I couldn't answer that question. I thought I had been saved as a child, but I wasn't sure. So the next day I knelt down and said God I'm yours. Then a few weeks later the greatest thing happened, at Easter My husband, whom I thought got saved while we were dating, gave his life to God,too!!!!

So now not only am I raising a family with the Godly man that I always dreamed of, but God has begun to bless us financially!!! One of the first thing we started doing when we got back in church was tithing. God says in Proverbs 3:9-10 " Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine." . Praise Jesus he has done just that. Don't misunderstand we are not rolling in money. But I don't have to worry anymore about feeding my children. I know now that if I just put my faith in God he will provide all my needs. Aint God good!!!!